10 Books for Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month, when we celebrate the critical roles and contributions of women throughout American history. In honor of this monthly observance, I compiled a list of some […]


Call me a nerd, but this is one of the most fascinating books about animals I’ve ever read. In Pests, author Bethany Brookshire discusses animals we call “pests”, including rats, […]

7 Non-Fiction Books About Water

One topic I am EXTREMELY passionate about is water. I know that may sound strange, but water is so important. Without water, we cannot live, communities cannot thrive, and economies […]

16 Non-Fiction Books About Cults

I don’t know about you, but there’s something that just fascinates me about cults and cultish behavior. I think it’s probably the psychology about how some people are more susceptible […]

My 5 Bookstagram Goals for 2023

I created my book Instagram-“bookstagram”-account in June 2020 during the pandemic. And it’s honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made. Since then, I’ve found a wonderful community of fellow […]

10 Memoirs Everyone Should Read

Memoirs are my absolute favorite genre, and I’ve really worked over the past few years to embrace my love of memoirs, incorporate memoirs into my reading lists and goals, and […]

The Worth of Water

I’m usually hesitant to read books by celebrities about their philanthropic work and all the self-proclaimed great things they’ve done to help those less fortunate. They usually have a “look […]