How I Designed My Reading Room

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A dream of most (many? all?) book lovers is to have an in-home library or reading room, and I am no exception. I’ve loved reading since I was a little girl, and I spent every day reading something – Nancy Drew, Matilda, Magic Tree House books, whatever. And since I first started reading, I always wanted to have my own massive collection of books and built-in bookshelves; it was my number one dream. And, it FINALLY happened! When my family bought and moved into our new house, I had built-ins added to an extra living space and found furniture that I adore and love. Let’s check it out!!

Picture 1: a view of my reading room, with chair and couches visible.

Main Reading Room Furnishings

I’ll be honest – I’m terrible at interior design and picking pieces that go well together. I knew that I wanted white with bright colors, and I had A LOT of help from my close friends and mother-in-law in figuring out how everything should fit together. In Picture 1, you can see the three main pieces of furniture: my velvet couch and loveseat and my reading chair (the greatest purchase of my life, hands down). I’m obsessed with all three pieces, and I sit on them daily to read, relax, and/or hide from my kids. All three pieces are from Wayfair, and you can find more information about these pieces at the (affiliate) links below:

Also, can we talk about that area rug?! I was in love with it for over a week, but I was worried it was too bright or people would think it’s too gaudy. Eventually I realized that I shouldn’t care what others might think about it; it’s bright and bold and I loved it so I got it! I also purchased the area rug from Wayfair (they have such incredible home furnishings and decor).

At the time this photo was taken, I was waiting for my coffee table to ship (on back order), so in my next blog post, I’ll show more pictures of the room complete and with the coffee table in place!

Picture 2: A view of my reading chair and the gold barrel side table with white lamp.

Accent Decor

Besides my reading chair, one of my other favorite pieces in my reading room is my gold side table. It has a mirror top, and I LOVE it!! I stumbled upon this random gold side table sitting by itself at the store and immediately knew I needed it. Same with the accent pillows; I was able to find a few random sets throughout the store that coordinated and brought them home! Unfortunately, I cannot find the exact table and pillows online, but I’ve found ones that look really close:

Side Table:

Accent Pillows:

Okay, I think that pretty much covers the major pieces I selected for my reading room! I have future posts planned to show how I decorated it for Christmas ( I went ALL out – for me, anyway) and some of the book shelf decor I’ve found.

Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or share what your favorite piece is!

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